
以课堂上禁止带手机 No Cell Phones In the Classroom为题的作文


作文对于学生来是说一定是家常便饭了,写作文并不是一件简单轻松的事。考试中的你面对作文还在手足无措?这篇关于《以课堂上禁止带手机 No Cell Phones In the Classroom为题的作文》的文章能帮助你在写作方面突飞猛进!

There is no doubt that cell phone has been part of our life. We use it to keep in touch with our friends and families. Its functions have been developed a lot as time goes by. Almost every middle school student has a cell phone, but some overuse it. In the classroom, when teachers are presenting knowledge, but the students are lowing down their heads playing cell phone. So the teachers advocate students not to bring their cell phones into classroom. But who can actually make it? It is better to let students realize the overuse of cellphone makes them study with lower efficiency.



关于我对手机的看法 My View on Cell Phone优秀英语作文

Cell phone has been the indispensable part of our life today. For many students, they bring cell phone to school, which annoys many teachers, because the students are not listening to them when they are passing the knowledge. Actually, this situation can't all blame students and teachers have some duty. If they find the attractive way to show knowledge, surely students will focus their attention. It is not possible to ask students to hand in their cell phones, as they get used to using it. Most students will not play cell phone in the classroom, because they know their duty. For the students who can't focus their attention, even without cell phone, they still don't want to study.


以撒谎 Telling Lies为题的作文

We are educated to be an honest person and it is the precious merit. But no one can be honest all the time. We will tell lies to cover the mistakes we have made or sometimes we are not telling the truth for making others feeling better. Once I lied to my parents and I realized it was not good to do it. I told my parents I stayed the night at my friend’s home. In fact, we hanged out for fun until midnight. When I saw the horrible things happened in midnight, I realized I should not tell lies to my parents. They will concern about my safety. Since then, I would not lie to my parents anymore.
