
一个时尚的女人 A Fashionable Woman精选优秀英语作文


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There is a special woman who lives next to my house. She has two children and she looks much younger than her real age. My mother feels envious about her, and always speaks highly of her. I talk to the woman one time and I find that the way she talks just like a girl. She has a young heart, which is the way makes her special.



2023最新英语范文一个有趣的人 An Interesting Person

Jack is in primary school now. He is very active in the class and everyone like him. Jack likes to read a lot of books, so he knows many things. When we have problems in study, he can help us to solve them. We are so thankful to him and make up our minds to learn from him. In all, he is such a funny person.


愚蠢的问题 The Silly Questions 精选优秀英语作文

People always like to test children and want to make fun of them. The kids will be asked who they love more between their father and mother. It is such a silly question for me. Everybody loves them both, and there is no need to compare. What’s more, it will hurt parents’ feelings, so people should not ask such a question.


我的作业 My Homework 精选优秀英语作文

Today, my teacher gives us a special task. It is to communicate with our parents and write down their opinion about the ideal me. I feel so shy to do it, because I know I have made my mother angry many times. But they give me the answer that surprise me. They just want me to be a happy girl and do what I want. I feel touched.


淘气的猴子 Naughty Monkey精选优秀英语作文

Today, my mother takes me to the zoo and I feel so happy. I see a lot of animals, and monkey impresses me the most. They are so active, going up and down all the time. We can buy bananas to feed them. When I give them food, a lot of monkeys rush to me and try to get the food. How naughty they are.


关于学校一角 The Corner in School优秀英语作文

Our school is very beautiful. When I walk into the main gate, I can see a lot of green trees and colorful flowers. I find a special corner, which attracts me a lot. The corner is covered by tall trees and I can sit in the balcony. I like to read books or chatting with my friends here. We talk happily. I have so much fun here.


杰克的选择 Jack's Choice精选优秀英语作文

As Jack will be a middle school student soon, his parents want to move around the school to take care of him, but Jack tells his parents that they needn't to do it, because he can take care of himself. What's more, he always wants to stay in hometown, where green trees and clean water are around. His parents respect his choice. They are so happy the little boy is growing up.


一位老人 An Old Man 优秀英语作文

There is an old man living next to my house. I can see him every day when I walk down the street. He sells shoes every day and he has done the business for more than 20 years. Most people have changed their career but only he insists. I admire him because he sells shoes no matter rain or shine. He loves his job and has a nice talk to his customers.


关于一件难忘的事情 An Unforgettable Thing优秀英语作文

Last week, my parents gave me a surprise. They celebrated my birthday by inviting my friends to join my party. The theme of the party was my favorite movies about superheroes. So my friends played the roles as Spiderman, wonder woman and so on. I dressed as my favorite character, American Captain. We played funny games and had a good time.
