
中彩票的人 The Persons Who Hit the Lottery精选初中英语作文


初中英语作文是我们学习中一定要经历的,写作能力的培养十分重要。优秀的作文究竟是怎样抒写的?那么下面是执笔作文网精选的《中彩票的人 The Persons Who Hit the Lottery精选初中英语作文》内容定会对你有所帮助。

We once think about hitting the lottery and become a millionaire, then we can do what we want, such as quitting the job to travel around the world and eat all delicious food. Though we are educated that there is no free meal, still very rare people become rich by hitting the lottery. But when they are interviewed after a long time, their lives do not become better but worse. The coming of fortune without hard work makes them spend money quickly, then they lost themselves soon. When the money has been ran out of, they refuse to work and lived the poor life. I believe that hard working can make us to live the better life.



关于微笑 Smile 初中英语作文

Recently, I saw an piece of interesting news. It was reported that what kind of girls were favored by the boys. At first, I thought it must be the pretty faces and the good body shapes, but the news proved my idea was wrong. It was said that most boys were attracted by the girls who smiled a lot. They believed these girls were easy-going and they would like to talk to them. Actually, most people like to communicate with the nice one, they pay more attention to the character than the appearance. The good personality is the key to keep the long relationship, but beautiful faces just attract others for a while.


学习环境 Study Environment初中英语作文

For every parent, they have planned to let their children to go to the top school since they were in kindergarten. Some people argue that there is no need to worry so much about the children, because they can study well in any school. Actually, the study environment is really important. When a student meets the good students around, he will follow them and want to be a good student, too. On the contrary, a student is easy to be affected by the negative behavior. So the rich families try hard to provide the best study environment to their children. They expect the kids to learn more and be the top students.


写信 Writing A Letter初中英语作文

I have a very good friend, and we knew each other when I was in my hometown. Now as I move to another city, we don’t see each other often, but we keep in touch with each other by writing letters. Though computer provides people a very convenient way to communicate, we like the original way, because we want to share every happy moment. When writing down these things, we can recall of the happy moment again. What’s more, writing a letter is much sincere, which is the important reason why we can keep our friendship. I cherish our friendship so much and hope it can last forever.
