
有关实现梦想的方法 The Way to Realize Dreams英语作文


语文学习中一定遇到了初中英语作文的题目,到这里来的目的一定是想提升自己的学习。也希望自己写做的作文言简意赅?执笔作文网的一篇《有关实现梦想的方法 The Way to Realize Dreams英语作文》应该能帮助到你!

Every time when I run in the playground, I always set a target for myself, such as I need to finish 3000 meters. It is such a long distance, but if I set the target of 500 meters and repeat the target, then I can finish my original goal. It is the same way to realize our dreams. Though we are in middle school now, we need to equip ourselves with knowledge. What we learn today will decide what we will become tomorrow. The first goal for us is to enter a better high school and then continue to fight for the college. But college is not the end to fight, which is just the beginning. The way to realize our dreams is long.



作文题为保持健康的方法 The Way to Keep Fit英语范文

For the big festival like Chinese New Year, the families will get together and have a big meal. The food like chicken and pork is necessary. It is easy to get fat as eating them for many days. So when people get to work, the first thing they do is to lose weight and keep fit. They often eat more vegetables and less meat, so as to control the fat. Then doing regular exercise is very important. As the saying that the meaning of life lies in moving, exercise helps us to gain strength and keep us full of energy. Some people do the regular exercise and make themselves look young. Their insistence brings them good results.


学习英语的方法 The Ways to Learn English 初中英语作文

It is known to all that English is the international language. In China, English is the necessary subject for students to learn. A lot of students complain that it is so hard to master the foreign language. While for me, I am the lucky guy, because I find my ways to learn it with fun. Listening to the songs and watching movies develops my interest. I want to see more about the world and learn about the culture, so only speaking English can bring me this chance. What's more, I spend some time to write down some local saying when I watch movies. I practice it until I get familiar. Let's learn English with passion.


有关我的秘密 My Secret英语作文

Last week, when I got home after school, no one was at home. I went to my parents' bedroom and found a wallet on the desk, so I felt very excited but also scared, because I wanted to buy a dress but I was afraid of being a thief. Finally, I decided to take away small amount of money, so that my mother would not realize. Next day, when dinner began, my mother said she must be old enough to forget about how to get money lost. I knew the truth and felt shameful. This was my secret and I decided to put the money on the corner and let my mother find it. I would not make the same mistake again.


为梦想而奋斗 Fight For Your Dream初中英语作文

The time of middle school is short and precious, but for some students, they sit in the class and don't show any passion to learn knowledge. They like to do something that is against what teachers tell them to do. Such as when the teacher is presenting knowledge, they choose to read novel, or when it is the time for them to do some exercise, they sleep. They don't care about study. It is so negative for them to treat study. We are young and should be full of energy. It is the best time for us to gain knowledge. What we learn today will help us to realize our dreams, so let's fight for our goals.


有关未来的汽车 The Future Car 英语范文

Many years ago, I saw an interesting movie. It pictured the future life that people could fly in the sky by cars. Of course, I don't think it will happen in the coming time. The change in cars is about the energy. It is said that the cars will use both electricity and gasoline, which can reduce pollution. I think it is a great change for cars. More and more people have cars now and the gas they release brings heavy pollution to the air, which damages our health. The cars can use electricity in the long trip. When it runs out of it, then gasoline can be a substitute.


有关我的梦 My Dream满分英语作文

According to the research, people will have many dreams when they sleep, but only few dreams can be remembered. So sometimes I feel very exhausted. I know I must have a lot of stories in my mind. My mother told me that the things happened in the dreams were a sign of the things that were going to come, but it was on the opposite side. At first I didn’t believe, but many facts showed the result. For example, one night in my dream, I was surrounded by the flood, then the next day, I picked up some money in the street. It was such amazing. The bad things in dream turned out to be good in reality.


有关我的改变 How I've Changed英语作文

Since I go to middle school, I found the lifestyle is so fast that I have to study much harder. Before, I would go shopping or playing sports with my friends after class. At night, I would watch TV or chat with my friends online, but now, the situation has changed. In the day time, I have to sit in the classroom to study so many subjects and at night, the homework takes up my whole night. I start to feel stressful. I realize that I need to get used to the new life. If I can improve my study efficiency, I can make out some time to have fun.


有关我的外教 My Foreign Teacher英语作文

I love to learn English so much, because it is the important key to know about the world. As I have learned it since I was very small, so I have the strong desire to talk to the foreigners. My parents sent me to an English training center, where I could talk to the foreign teacher. I was so excited. When I saw her, I felt so nervous and had no idea what to say. She was very active and good at making me feel comfortable soon. We talked so happily and my English improved so much. I cherished the time to learn from her. She is my friend now.
