
以青年节 Youth Day为题的作文


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In the old society of China, when the government went corrupted and made the great fail in foreign policy, which annoyed the public, the young generation in the old Beijing walked on the street and protested the government’s decision. As a result, people from all walks of life joined the activity and supported the young people’s action. As the great influence of this incident, people named May 4th as the Youth Day to in honor of the young generation’s effort in pushing the society forward. It is true that the youth dominates a country’s future. Due to their effort, our society goes much further. Every student should embrace the grateful heart and have the consciousness to fight for the country. Though we are lucky to born in a peaceful country, we need to be equipped with skills and make contribution to the society.



以幸运的一天 A Lucky Day为题的作文

Today, early in the morning, I woke up very late, so I rushed to school. I found I forgot to bring the textbook while the class began. I was so worried. At this moment, my classmate took out her book and asked me to share it with her. I was so grateful. After class, I went home and went to a shop to buy some snacks. As my turn to pay money, I couldn't find my wallet after searching every corner of my schoolbag. I must forget to take it away from home. Then the boss who was an old kind man asked me to pay next time. He said I was his frequent customer, so he trusted me. I felt so warm to hear nice words from him. My mistake in the morning made me have a hard day, but I met the nice people around me. I was so thankful to them.


以国际护士节 International Nurses Day为题的作文

In 2003, the horrible disease SARS attacked China and many people suffered from it and died. At that time, the news reported many nurses were infected, but they never gave up any patient.The public saw the great sacrifice of the nurses and they showed great respect to them. Every year, May 12th is the International Nurses Day, it reminds the public of the greatness of nurses. Indeed, thanks to them, patients get well treatment and recover soon. The founder of nurse major is a lady from England named Florence Nightingale. In the year 1854, she took 38 nurses to the war areas to save a lot of wounded lives. In 1860, she opened the first nursing school and passed the nursing knowledge to the world. Her contribution deserved being remembered all the time, so it is the most important meaning of Nursing Day.
