
妈妈的休息日 Mother's Resting Day精选英语范文


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Last week, our teacher gave us a task to take charge of the house chores for a day. I thought it would be easy for me, so I asked my mother to enjoy her day early in the morning. When she left, I started to clean the house, which took me half an hour to mop the floor, and my back was so tired after bending down for a long time. I decided to take a break and enjoyed TV show. Time passed so quickly, I wanted to cook a meal and searched materials in the kitchen. Then I had no idea what to cook, so I cooked the simple food. But it still took me about an hour. I learned that what a great job my mother have been done for us.



感恩节的由来 The Coming of Thanksgiving Day精选英语范文

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated by Americans and more and more people join this festival. This day reminds people of the grateful heart. The coming of Thanksgiving Day comes back to the 17th century. At that time, about 100 people were driven out of UK and they were sent to the wasted land by the ship called May Flower. The local people taught them how to survive and then the first American were formed. In order to show gratitude to the Indians, American people named a day to celebrate it. It can also teach children to be grateful all the time for the things and the happiness they own.


作文题为世界睡眠日 World Sleep Day初中英语作文

Nowadays, most people are lacking of sleep, because part of them like to hang out at night and then stay up, or some of them are asked to work overtime. As a result, most people suffer from sub-health status. Getting enough sleep can guarantee both efficiency and our health. On March 21st, it is the World Sleep Day, which reminds people of the importance of getting enough sleep. Healthy lifestyle is the only way to help us to live a better life, so we need to plan regular timetable and do some exercise. No matter how much money we earn, if we are in poor health, we can’t enjoy a good life.


关于消费者权益日 World Consumer Rights Day初中英语作文

Commercials ads can been seen everywhere and people are easy to be attracted by these colorful ads. Most ads exaggerate the function of the products and when the customers buy these products, they find they are cheated. In order to protect the customers’ rights, the government open a department to solve this problem. If the customers accuse the manufacturers, the department will make investigation and safeguards the customers’ legal right. On March 15th, it is a day to remind customers of their legal right. If they get cheated, they can charge the unqualified products. Everybody should have the consciousness to protect their right when they spend the money.


家人的支持 Family's Support优秀英语作文

Taylor Swift is the hot female singer in the world. Her music is favored by the teenagers all the time and she has made many records at her young age. People are shocked by her talent, because she can write songs in a short time, even male singers appreciate her talent. Besides her ability, she owed her success to her family's support. When Taylor was very small, people around her laughed at her dream. They thought she couldn't be a star, then her family inspired her and moved to another place. With family's support, she soon showed her talent and realized her dream. Family's attitude always decides a child's future.


关于父亲节的惊喜 A Surprise From Fathers' Day 英语作文

Today is fathers' day, when I went to school, I heard my classmates were discussing about what to buy for their fathers. Some suggested to buy food, others wanted to do something special by themselves. At last, an idea occurred to my mind, I could cook a dinner for my father. So I rushed home after class. My mother was preparing dinner. I told her my idea and she supported me. I did as what my mother told me. I washed the food and then cut the meat and vegetable. I learned it was not easy to cook a meal. I finished two dishes finally. My father was very happy to taste them. It was such a special surprise.


有关爷爷的生日 Grandpa's Birthday 初中英语作文

My grandpa lives alone in my hometown. Two years ago, my grandma passed away. My parents wanted to ask my grandpa to move and stay with us together, but he refused, because he had his own lifestyle and he liked to chat with people who lived around him. When his birthday came, we went back to hometown and spent the time with him. My grandpa was very happy to see us and he had prepared us the big meal. I enjoyed the family time. We talked about the recent situation and shared out happiness. At last, we raised glass and made a good wish. It was such a great time.


2023最新优秀英语作文圣诞节 Christmas Day

For most western countries, Christmas Day is the biggest festival, and all the people will have the long vacation, just as Spring Festival in China. With the development of globalization, Christmas Day is celebrated by people around the world. When the day comes, Christmas trees can be seen in many shops and some products have the great discounts. One of the main reasons for people to love Christmas is that they can get the great discounts from some products, which saves them a lot of money. For American people, Christmas Day is the great moment for the families to get together and enjoy the family hour, while for some people they just treat it as the shopping day.


春节 Spring Festival精选英语范文

In China, Spring Festival is the biggest day. People will come back home and enjoy spending some time with their families. So no matter how far they are, they will figure out all the ways to come back home and get reunited. The house cleaning work before the coming of this big day always brings me the happy memory. We can find something lost a long time ago in the corner. It is like the surprise and makes me feel so excited. On the New Year’s Eve, all of my families will sit together and enjoy the real big meal. We share our happiness and the future expectation. What a nice moment.
