





写作题目 Knowledge or Experience

Directions: You are allowed 40 minutes to write an essay no less than 150 words on the following topic.

1.some emphasize book knowledge

2.others stress practical experience

3.which one is more important? Give your reasons to illustrate your opinion.


Which is more important in life, knowledge from the books you read, or personal experience you gain in reality? The answer may vary from person to person. The young, educated may emphasize the former, and the old may stress the later. But in my opinion, they are of the same importance.

Experience is priceless. How to become an efficient secretary? How to prepare for your first child to come into the world? There is so much experience we need in careers, in life and even in academic studies. It helps one deal with the problems with ease and confidence. Especially activities and to accumulate experience of different kinds is more crucial.

Experience, however, is limited in terms of time and space. For one thing, it is impossible for anyone to experience all the important events and meet all the famous people. For another, as the speed with which skills are obsolete and new problems crop up is unprecedented because of the fast development of society, experience is far less adequate. Depending too much on it only leads to narrow-mindedness and prejudice.

One way to compensate for it is to read books. Books of various kinds can bring us almost unlimited additional experience. From books you can not only trace back to the wisdom of our antecedents, but keep up with the latest developments of science and technology. To be sure, it's secondhand experience. But it is the ideal supplement to our own limited experience. Few of us can travel around the world, or live long beyond one hundred years, but all of us can live many lives by reading books.

Both book knowledge and personal experience are essential. While experience makes one more resourceful, book knowledge makes one more learned.


例: Could you tell me where the post office is?

Could you tell me what he said? (what作said的宾语)

例: They said that they would give me some help. (that 仅作引导词) 宾语从句中的疑问句要用陈述语序。

例: He asked when we would leave home.

(2) 状语从句:

例:I will come when I am free.

I’m late because my bike is broken.

He went so early that he got a good seat.

She studied hard so that she would pass the exam.


例: If it rains tomorrow I shall not go to the cinema.


例: When I’m reading a book, the telephone rings.

例: She can swim across the river, can’t she?

It’s a fine day, isn’t it?

(4) 感叹句:

例. What a hot day it is!

How hot the weather is!







One of my classmates is from Shanghai.(数词)

It's bad manners to spit in public.(不定式)

Eating too much is bad for your health.(动名词)



How can I get to the station?(情态动词+实义动词)

They are working in a field.(助动词+实义动词)



They did nothing this morning.(代词)

【注意】①有的动词可接双宾语,间接宾语指人,直接宾语指物。这类动词常见的有:give,buy,lend,pass, tell,leave等。如:

He bought me a book.

Pass me the ball,will you?(间宾+直宾)

直接宾语一般放在间接宾语之后,但若把直接宾语放在前面,则要在间接宾语前加适当的介词如to或 for等。如:

Han Chen lent some money to Li Hai.(直宾+间宾)

Xiao Liu bought a dictionary for Tom.(直宾+间宾)

②有的动词常用不定式作宾语,而不能用动名词。这类动词有:want,wish, hope,promise,decide,agree, choose,care等。如:

I hope to see you again.

③有的动词一般只用动名词作宾语,而不用不定式。这类动词有:enjoy,finish,mind,practise,miss, suggest,keep(on)等。如:

Do you mind my opening the window?


a)forget to do表示“未发生的动作”,forget doing表示“已完成的动作”。如:

Don't forget to come here earlier tomorrow.(还没来)

I forgot returning the book to him.(书已还给他了)

原来的事,去做另一件事”,stop doing表示“停止做某事”。如:

I stopped to talk with him.(我停下来与他谈话。)

The students stopped talking when the teacher came in.(老师进来时学生们停止谈话。)


What a beautiful kite it is!(形容词)

There are two students in the classroom.(数词)

We have something to do tomorrow.(不定式)

The man in blue is my brother.(介词短语)



I get up at five in the morning.(介词短语)

He is studying hard so as to catch up with others.(不定式短语)

We were having breakfast when the telephone rang.(从句)


He is old enough to go to school.

6.表语:用于说明主语的身份、特征或感受,一般由名词、数词、形容词、分词等充当。常用的连系动词有:be,look,get,sound(听起来),feel,become, smell,turn,taste(尝起来)等。如:

The story is very interesting.(形容词)

M y job(工作)is teaching English.(动名词)

7.宾语补足语:用于补充说明宾语的动作,一般位于宾语之后,宾语与宾语补足语一起构成复合宾语。需接复合宾语的动词有:tell,let,help,teach, ask,see,have,order,make等。“宾补”一般由不定式短语、分词、名词、形容词等充当。如:

I found it difficult to learn English well.(形容词)

The doctor told me to do more exercise.(不定式短语)

He is going to have his hair cut.(过去分词)

They saw a bird flying in the sky.(现在分词)


Bacon said: “knowledge is power of the power of knowledge” If have no knowledge, we have nothing.

The development of China requires knowledge, otherwise how China as a world power? The progress of science and technology knowledge, or “god nine” “dragon” out from? The advance of the society requires knowledge, otherwise how to continue to develop the socialist road with Chinese characteristics? All the facts have proven that knowledge is power.

A man without knowledge, it is equal to lost all his wealth, money, fame, status and what's the use of high, have no knowledge of reserves or equivalent. Energy from food, the power is from knowledge, if asked: “knowledge come from?” I will answer yue: “knowledge is everywhere, everywhere all have.”

First of all acquired from books. Numerous achievements is the fundamental source comes from the secretary. MAO zedong, for example, why the great achievement and influence? On is to read the book, he with his life companion, go to where, where it will. The so-called “never too old to learn”, that is, in this way, people, more than seventy percent of the knowledge from books, is a book provides the most important source of knowledge.








一、 了解自身健康状况:

1. 心脏病、高血压、传染病、癫痫、皮肤病、眼疾等不宜游泳;

2. 疲倦、生病、饱食、空腹、情绪不好及酗酒后不宜游泳;

3. 正确评估自我能力,游泳时不能逞强好胜,应该量力而为。泳技差者不能到深水处或离岸太远。

二、 选择安全场所:

1. 不可在有“禁止游泳”、“水深危险”等警示标志区域内游泳;

2. 不可在航道、港区、急流区、礁岩区、码头旁及水草生长区域游泳;

3. 游泳时遇大雷雨或地震时应立即上岸;

4. 了解水温、海浪、风力、潮流等情况;

5. 不明地形或水浅处均不宜跳水、不可贸然潜入深水;

三、 养成良好的习惯:

2. 游泳中呼吸时尽量用嘴吸气,用鼻呼气,且以最大肺活量吸气及吐气, 做到有节奏,不易多说话, 以防呛水;

3. 养成睁眼游泳的习惯,戴泳镜,以免被撞或踢伤;

4. 结伴游泳以便互相照顾;

5. 从事水上活动,泳外,均应穿着救生衣;

6. 不可拿呼救的动作开玩笑;

7. 离水后应立即擦干身体、保持体温;

8. 游泳前应仔细勘察水域,并用浮标划分深浅水及安全区域。


一、人称代词是表示“我”、“你”、“他”、“她”、“ 初一;它”、 “我们”、“你们”、“他们”的词。人称代词有人称、数和格的变化,主格在句中作主语;宾格作宾语,用在动词和介词之后。例如;I will write to her tomorrow.


二、物主代词是表示所有关系的代词,也可叫做代词所有格。物主代词分形容性物主代词和名词性物主代词二种,其人物和数的变化见上表。形代后必须有名词,名代后不必加名词,名代=形代+名词 如: I like his car. 我喜欢他的小汽车。 Our school is here,and theirs is there. 我们的学校在这儿,他们的在那儿. 本句中theirs=their school。

三、反身代词是表示“我自己”、“你自己”、“他自己”、“我们自己”、“你们自己”和“他们自己”等的代词,也叫做自身代词。变化规则:一二人称在形容性物主代词后加self(单数)或selves (复数)。第三人称在宾格后加 self(单数)或selves (复数)。 如: She was talking to herself. 她自言自语。阶段常用的短语有 teach oneself自学,dress oneself 自己穿衣,come to oneself 恢复知觉,enjoy oneself 过的快活, help oneself to 随便吃、随便用,make youself at home 不受约束,by oneself 独自地; 单独地,speak to oneself 自言自语

四、 指示代词有this,that,these,those等。This,those在一些句子中代替前面的名词以避免重复,如:The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Guangzhou. 这种题型经常在中出现。

五、相互代词是表示相互关系的代词,有each other;和one another两组,但在运用中,这两组词没什么区别。 如: They love each other. 他们彼此相爱。

六、不定代词指不是指明代替任何特定名词的代词。常见的不定代词有a11,both,each,every等,以及含有some-,any-,no-等的合成代词,如anybody, something,no one。这些不定代词大都可以代替名词和形容词,在句中作主语、宾语、表语和定语, 但none和由some,any,no等构成的复合不定代词只能作主语、宾语或表语;every和no只能作定语。如: --- Do you have a car? --你有一辆小汽车吗? --- Yes,I have one. --是的,我有一辆。 --- I don’t know any of them. 他们,我一个也不认识。

七、 疑问代词有who,whom,whose,what和which等。在句子中用来构成特殊疑问句。


对于代词的考察,通常是以单项选择或完形填空形式考查代词词义及其用法,尤其是几个易混淆的代词,如every和 each,前者用于三个或三个以上,不能与连用,后者用于两个或两个以上,可以和连用。



The cartoon given above tells us that there are two persons who are arguing with each other about the importance of book Knowledge and experience. In fact, knowledge can be acquired from many sources. These include reading books, classroom activities and practice.

The knowledge we gain from books and formal education enables us to learn about things that we have no opportunity to experience in our daily life. First of all, we can study all the places in the world and learn from people we will never meet in our lifetime, just by reading about them in books. Second, we can also develop our analytical skills and learn how to view and interpret the world around us in different ways. Last but not least, we can shuttle between the past and the future by reading books. In this way, we won't repeat the mistakes of others.

Practice, on the other hand, offers us more useful knowledge. In fact, as we all know failure is the mother of success. Moreover, if one wants to make new advances, it is necessary to act. Finally, one can apply the skills and insights gained through the study of books to practical experience, making an already meaningful experience more meaningful.



永久性磁铁可以是天然产物,又称天然磁石,也可以由人工制造(最强的磁铁是钕磁铁)。 非永久性磁铁,有时会失去磁性。

古希腊人和中国人发现自然界中有种天然磁化的石头,称其为“吸铁石”。这种石头可以魔术般的吸起小块的铁片,而且在随意摆动后总是指向同一方向。早期的航海者把这种磁铁作为其最早的指 南针在海上来辨别方向。

经过千百年的发展,今天磁铁已成为我们生活中的强力材料。通过合成不同材料的合金可以达到与吸铁石相同的效果,而且还可以提高磁力。在18世纪就出现了人造的磁铁,但制造更强磁性材料的 过程却十分缓慢,直到20世纪代制造出铝镍钴(Alnico)。随后,20世纪50年代制造出了铁氧体(Ferrite),70年代制造出稀土磁铁[Rare Earth magnet 包括钕铁硼(NdFeB)和钐钴(SmCo)]。至此, 磁学科技得到了飞速发展,强磁材料也使得元件更加小型化。








将磁铁远离易被磁化的物品,如软盘,信用卡,电脑显示器,手表,手机,医疗器械等。 磁铁应远离心脏起搏器。

较大尺寸的磁铁,每片之间应加塑料或硬纸垫片以保证可以轻易地将磁铁分开。 磁铁应尽量存放在干燥,恒温的环境中。





磁铁,应该叫磁钢,英文 Magnet,磁钢现在主要分两大类,一类是软磁,一类是硬磁; 软磁包括硅钢片和软磁铁芯;硬磁包括铝镍钴、钐钴、铁氧体和钕铁硼,这其中,最贵的是钐钴磁钢,最便宜的是铁氧体磁钢,性能最高的是钕铁硼磁钢,但是性能最稳定,温度系数最好的是铝镍 钴磁钢,用户可以根据不同的需求选择不同的硬磁产品。